Inefficiency of Religion 1
(NLT)Genesis 2:15-17
The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. [16] But the Lord God warned him, "You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden- [17] except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die."
Religion is man's quest(search) for God. In order to fulfill that quest, man formulates diverse opinions, which he confidently yet vainly hopes would be right opinion. One of such opinion is the so-called "believe in deity", the religious man, actually brags that he believes in God, and yes, sees that as the ultimate foremost assurance to his being "on the right path"! The question firstly, is, does he attain anything special by believing in a supreme being? Of course, at least he has a right opinion, but like Wesley said, right opinions are slender parts of religion, for one can have a right opinion of God yet be ill tempered toward him(God).
(NLT)James 2:19
You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.
In fact there would not be one religion in the world today, that does not believe that there is god(s), some religions, like Islam, brag in monotheism, anyways, that doesn't vindicate Muslims, or any religion that brags about being monotheist, why? EVEN THE DEMONS BELIEVE IN ONE GOD! So going by the logic of these religions even Demons are believers! Indeed, the religions of these world, would all claim to be founded by God! Even where they have other gods, they seem to exalt One above the rests, yet, and so unfortunately, ALL RELIGIONS HAVE THEIR FOUNDATION IN SATAN, THAT OLD SERPENT! And of course he believes there is ONE GOD! His words to Eve wasn't "there is no God" his words were: "You shall become as God..."
(NLT)Genesis 3:5
"God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil."
That's ironically the same message of the world's religion today, that explains why ecumenism would prevail and keep on prevailing! The Ecumenical movement, is driven by the single goal to "unite all faiths, all religions" and it's been largely gathering momentum, endorsed by several church leaders, from the various denominations, accepted by other religions, in ecumenism, Muslims embrace Christians as "co-labourers", as observed in the following quotes:
"...Christians and Muslims, we meet one another in faith in the One God..."
-John Paul II.
So, yes, even the religion which is falsely called Christianity, falsely because, the Christian life, is no religion at all, in fact it contradicts the entire distinctive mark of the religions of this world! One may argue that the distinctive mark of religion is believe in a deity, but as has already been pointed out, having a right opinion of God, does not necessarily mean having the right temper toward God! The Christian, seeks the present judgment of his temper(heart) not just his views, the religions of the world on the contrary, cares not for the heart, just the notion! Thus, the heart of the problem of man is overlooked, the religions of this world, including false Christianity which is no Christianity at all, piles up laws, all in attempt to deal with *sins*, and with that man's dilemma is increased, because there is no end to the fallen man's inclination toward evil. Therefore, religion thinks the cure to sins committed, lies in increasing good deeds! It's like one who breaks the traffic law appealing for mercy on the basis of compliance to the speed laws, but no, that you keep the law, doesn't make up for the Laws you broke, every law violated has its own penalty and fine, which must be paid, except the judge be one of unjust character!
God, the Lord, is a just judge, and his words, were clear, "in the day you eat of the tree, you shall surely die..." thus the wages of sin was set death, there's no negotiating it! The law has been broken and the fine must be paid! Religion is any attempt to negotiate the terms and that is the meeting grounds of all religions, and that which paves way for ecumenism. Thus, man following this deception of the Devil, has been in attempts to negotiate the fine(the price)! But the Lord God, does not say what he means not, nor mean what he isn't saying! thus has he said the price is death? Then death it is! And it is for this purpose that Christ Jesus had to die! Religious folks, query why God would become man(take up human form), which by the way, if you ask me, is the greatest miracle there ever is, the word becoming flesh! thus why would God the Lord Almighty, become a man, why would he have to die for man? Why not as some say, kill the Devil, who after all is responsible for the sin? Because, a Just God, must be Just in his judgment, it is man who sinned and it is man who must pay the just penalty for sin! But the sinful man, cannot pay the fine himself, for the fine is death! For man's problem is not the absence of good works, but that, he man is dead! The absence of life! Thus, man in his fallen state, cannot please God!
To be cont'd.